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Page 5 Climate

Our future climate is probably going to be the most pressing and unsurmountable problem that has ever confronted humankind. We have caused global warming and the consequences of how nature deals with this warming is probably going to lead us into extinction.  Read the following article by courtesy of Esk Valley News






The remained of this page explores some of the features of WordPress

1 Pop down menus – we can order the pages     from   appearances  and then menu.  Drag page to appropriate position

2 we can restore previous pages

go to Bin                           note  “inspect” gives the html rendering

pick out the page history

and click restore from the top of the page

3 Insert pictures into a page

4 create links in a page   — use the chain


5 To add text in colour we need to press the toggle button (next to the chain link) we then see extra  buttons. Pressing

“A” we get a colour palette and that allows us to change  the  text to a colour of our choice.






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